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Version: 4.0.0

Basic Usage

Loading scenes with this package implies that the scenes will always be loaded as Additive. That is simply because there is no advantage in loading scenes in the Single load scene mode when you expect to work with multiple scenes.

You will be using the MySceneManager static class to perform the scene operations.

Loading scenes

You can load scenes by using any of these references:

// Name
// Path (relative to the Assets folder)
// Build Index
// Address
// Asset Reference

Additionally, you can also pass an array of scenes (given the same type of reference):

// Array of build indexes
MySceneManager.LoadAsync(new int[] { 1, 2, 3});

The loaded scene can be marked to be set as the active scene:

// Loads a scene and sets it as the active scene
MySceneManager.LoadAsync("my-scene", true);

// Loads a list of scenes and set the scene at index 1 as the active scene
MySceneManager.LoadAsync(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, 1);

You can get the progress of the loading operation by passing an IProgress<float> implementation, for example:

public class SimpleProgress : IProgress<float>
public float Value;

public void Report(float value) => Value = value;
// [...]

SimpleProgress progress = new SimpleProgress();
MySceneManager.LoadAsync("my-scene", true, progress);

Unloading scenes

You can unload scenes by using any reference, including the scene itself.

// Name
// Path (relative to the Assets folder)
// Build Index
// Address
// Asset Reference
// Scene

You can also unload multiple scenes:

// Array of build indexes
MySceneManager.UnloadAsync(new int[] { 1, 2, 3});

Scene Transitions

To perform scene transitions, first you pass the target scene(s) and then the intermediate scene (optional). You can use the same references from the LoadAsync method.

// Name
MySceneManager.TransitionAsync("my-target-scene", "my-loading-scene");

// Array of AssetReference
MySceneManager.TransitionAddressableAsync(new AssetReference[] { scene1, scene2, scene3 });

The reference type must be the same for the target scene and the intermediate scene.

Check the Loading Scene Examples Sample to try different loading scenes when performing Scene Transitions.

Async Programming

All scene operations are awaitable and can be used in coroutines as well. For example:

await MySceneManager.TransitionAsync("my-target-scene", "my-loading-scene");
// Do something after the transition

For coroutines, you must convert the Task into a WaitTask, which is a helper struct to support coroutines:

yield return MySceneManager.TransitionAsync("my-target-scene", "my-loading-scene").ToWaitTask();
// Do something after the transition